A few days ago I read an article in the New York Times about initiative being taken by IBM and Sun
that deal with the future of the internet. In my immediate sphere of influence I have been hearing
people like Mark Wallace write about things of this nature for a while but it is always great to see further
validation from the large companies.
In a press release by Sun today I saw some more ammo for these contentions.
Here are some of the things they are working on:
Project Darkstar -- A Java technology-based game server technology that helps
solve many of the distributed computing problems associated with modern online gaming
MPK 20 -- Sun's Virtual Workspace, powered by Project Darkstar, this "serious game"
is the basis for research into collaborative work environments
There were many other projects that were mentioned but these were the ones that caught my attention.
You can find the release here
I am very excited about the concepts that Sun is rallying around
"The Network Is The Computer"(TM)
The Participation Age
Tags: New York Times, Mark Wallace, 3pointd, IBM, Sun Microsystems, Project Darkstar, MPK 20, Virtual Worlds, The 3D Web,
The Participation Age, The Network Is The Computer