Take a look at the next generation. A generation born with a mouse in hand. A generation that thinks email is for their grandparents. A generation that will be born into the metaverse without knowing how we ever survived with 2D web pages.
You say Second Life is a fad....you say you have seen this before and it is all hype. Well, maybe you are right, maybe Second Life is a fad (I still love it) but you cannot deny the power of 3D virtual worlds...well...you can deny the power of 3D virtual worlds however if you wish to have a job in the interactive space in 20 years I am afraid to tell you that it will be tough times.
3pointD reported on Barbie Girls yesterday and I had to try it. This my friends is what the future will look like (well, maybe it will not all be in pink)
Tags: barbie girls, Mattel, second life, 3pointd, mark wallace, virtual worlds, the metaverse