So today I turn 30. Never thought I would make it but I have and boy has the world changed. I have some fond and not so fond media memories and I thought I would share them with you.
- I worked in a mom and pop video store. When it closed I got hundreds of VHS tapes. They are doing me a lot of good these days!
- Cassette Tapes- Oh how I miss thee
- 7 inches means more to me than a genitalia reference
- Stealing music is not a crime
- 28k modems rock the house!
- Laser Disc Anyone!
- When I was working in studios the ADAT was popular, thank god that was a short lived medium
- 2” Tape will never die :)
- I had the first Mac g4. Cost me 8 thousand dollars. It had a gig of RAM and a DVD-RAM drive. Does anyone have a DVD RAM drive I can use to get my data :)
- I had the very first stand alone hard disk audio recorder. The Roland VS-880. It had one gig of memory. Mucho SCSI zip disks were needed
- Podcasts- I never liked radio anyhow
You know what, this is depressing me. It is time to start the future!