Leo Burnett Detroit helped its Pontiac client launch a presence in Second Life in November. Pontiac’s launch of its six-region land mass called Motorati Island began with a twist--an offer of free “land” for Second Lifers to create a vibrant car culture within the community. Staying true to the spirit of Second Life, which empowers members to build the community, Pontiac has provided parcels of land around Motorati Island to Second Life entrepreneurs and artists who wish to create their own projects devoted to car culture. This session will give attendees an inside glimpse of how Motorati Island came to be, and key learnings from being a major marketer in Second Life.
Tor Myhren, Executive Vice President, Executive Creative Director, Leo Burnett Detroit
- "You can't sell a fuck you to a client"
- There was some car stuff but not much....
- Gave away land to users who were interested in car culture but people had to submit proposals
- Let people do what they want to do
- Co Create Island- Fusion Marketing
- The only thing that was prefabricated was the dealership and the racetrack
- No one knows where it will go are what will happen
- Total Cost= one commercial production cost
Tags: Motorati, Leo Burnett, Second Life, Tor Myhrem, Virtual Worlds, Virtual Worlds 2007, VW2007, Pontiac, Motorati, Millions Of Us, Campfire Media