Case Study - Sundance Film Channel
Christopher Barry, VP, Digital Media and Business Strategy, Sundance Channel
How we got in...
- connect with users in a new way
- many of the films play in arthouse's in major cities, this extended their reach
- Provided the unexpected. shining the spotlight on new voices.
- Created two characters (vincent and maya) that have blogs in and out of world, they have email addresses's and can be contacted
- 2 Media Lounges at the island (VOD)
- Blog documenting the entire process
- "Four Eyed Monsters"- 300 simultaneous video streams
- 9 part short film fest
- Screening of webisodes in world and prompt discussions
- On air throws for in world events
- There is a thriving community looking for professional content
- "It is kind of fun having to check your avatars email"
- If your brand is all about control then it is probably not for you
- New ways to tell stories
Tags: Christopher Barry, Sundance Film Festival, Sundance Channel, Second Life, Four Eyed Monsters