Dell gets social but my laptop is still a mess!

This post is not going to be a rant about personal experiences with Dell however I want it to be known that I have had awful experiences with their machines. I am stuck with a Dell now but you can it shall be my last.

Now for something completely different…

A recent article in AdWeek talks about Dell’s continuing efforts to better communicate with consumers. While I applaud them for adopting social media, I think that they would be better served spending more time on building better machines and better customer support.

Dell has created a collaborative site dedicated to getting consumer ideas about products, product development and I assume Dell as a company (although I only saw product ideas). The most compelling aspect of the site is users ability to “promote” ideas, just as one would “digg” a story.

As much as I hate to admit it, the idea is really brilliant. I am anxious to see what effect this has on products and if Dell will ever get their act together.

Anyhow, to the web strategist who created this idea, my hats off to you!

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