These days, you are the media. Production is the new consumption and freedom of speech to a widespread audience has never been easier!
So what are these people all bent out of shape about?
(I agree with the sentiment, but might there be a more effective way to spend your time)
Yesterday, King of The FCC, Kevin Martin had his day in court and won. The 32 year old media ownership that stopped a newspaper from owning a television or radio station in a local market was partially lifted (the law was totally lifted in the top 20 markets). The FCC was split 3-2 in this decision.
WWHD (What Would Hamlet Do?)

I have spoken about this issue before on A Media Circ.US and you may know that while I am not sympathetic to Martin’s cause, and do not feel big media should get any bigger, I do feel that there are two ways you, as an object and a subject of media can handle this,
- Bitch, moan, cry and face an uncertain future
- Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Of course Hamlet’s viewpoint was less optimistic and uncertain than mine is (notice the question mark and the end of the second line) but one thing is for sure, we have all the tools we need to take arms against big media and shuffle off this mortal coil.
How do we do this?
- Find the media you like, tag it, share it perpetuate it
- Start a blog, give your opinion, illuminate injustice in the media
- Start a podcast; let your true voice be heard
- Start a video podcast; let your passion be seen
- Organize a citizen driven unconference (see podcamp)
Let the long tail wag long and proud, matching the might of big corporate media,
or recoil in a state of woe; allowing big corporate media to overcome us.
We are the media
We the people have the power to control our fate
Those that want to spend their time bitching and moaning at the expense of action will suffer in oblivion,
far from where my own eyes will ever glance.
Tags: FCC, Kevin Martin, Media Ownership, podcamp, hamlet, blogging, social media