Today In Facebook Apps

It is nothing new to state that the world has gone crazy for Facebook apps. At this point there is an app for just about everything; and we are just at the beginning.

Regardless, when I see a number of press release on new apps, I like to have a look. Here are some of the announced today.

MeVu, a site that lets people create profile pages that show all of their online activities has created an app for Facebook. Here is how MeVu describes themselves:

MeVu is unlike the various "profile aggregator" sites typically used to show a person's handles to social networking sites. MeVu throws out this rigidity in favor of allowing a person to enter a link to any page of theirs, no matter what type it is, add a description, and order them as they wish within categories of their own naming. A MeVu user ends up with a page showing their friends everywhere they live and work on the internet.

I am not really sure how the fact that MeVu allows links to other social networks is revolutionary, but they seem to think it is, so maybe it is :)

What do YOU think?

A good friend of mine just had a baby (actually, now that I am thirty the babies seem to be poppin out like crazy...does someone want to help find me a girlfriend).

In light of this, BabyMoods has come out with three apps for parents:

  • My Pregnancy enables expectant parents to keep track of the pregnancy as it progresses and share the excitement of their blossoming new life with all of their friends on Facebook. They can countdown the days to the birth with a ticker, build a pregnancy photo album with their growing bump and baby scans and update everyone with messages about the developing baby and how they are feeling during their pregnancy.

  • Birth Announcement allows Facebook users to announce their baby's birth to friends and family with as much detail they wish to give such as the baby's name, weight, very first photo and parents' message.

  • Friends in Bloom is a unique companion application to My Pregnancy and Birth Announcement. It allows people to stay informed about the progress of their pregnant friends through their Facebook profile and be notified of the birth the moment it is announced.

Knowing a decent amount of new and expectant mothers, I imagine these apps to be pretty successful!

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