Welcome back Jaffe/Paying it Forward

JJ welcome back man!

I missed ya (is that weird to say to a guy you have meet in person only one time? no way!).

 I too was away but that did not stop me from checking my iTunes to see if anything new was pushed out.You are slacking on me man, spending time with your family instead of social media :). Hope it was a great time.

 Alas, we get a new ATS and I am psyched about it.

 I just want to share something with my audience that makes me very proud and at the same time is reflective of my relationship with Joseph Jaffe. After reading "Life After the 30 Second Spot" I was inspired. At the time I was working as a media planner. I was in the interactive industry but, my thinking was far from interactive and my media buys were tantamount to a traditional print buy.

It took me a while to start up a blog (and I still have only created two test podcasts that are really bad) but after seeing Joseph Jaffe speak at the Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC I realized that joining the New Marketing revolution was my duty.

Since then I have become the resident social media and marketing brain trust at Morpheus Media and my goal has been to motivate others as Joseph has motivated me. Here is an example of the extended motivation.

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