Self appointed film geek Halley presents us with an ironic scenario where she is left in a new media environment with a longing for “being there”. Knowing Halley personally I am not shocked by her paradoxical post as I feel it is very fitting of the way that I see her.
Her musings turn to the days of “wine and analog” (I of course made up the wine part :) ) and then to an excitement about ubiquitous computing (this is where I see the beautiful irony come in). I have heard talk of computational invisibility, or more accurately a natural approach to technology. While the idealism is compelling to me I have not yet seen such environments (I realize we are talking theoretically for the most part). This is an official call out to the proponents and pioneers of such ideas to present me with actual evidence that this is possible (I would really love it as it perhaps it can drag me out of my Emersonian life of quiet desperation propelled, at times, by “always on” living…not that I am complaining about it :) ).
I am what one may call a digital purist. I was born a musician and learned to record audio on 2 inch tape. I could not have been happier when pro tools came along and allowed for the mind to take flight without worry of analog restraint. Sure, limitations can spur on creativity but in a digital world I feel the playing field is level and all are welcome; only the truly talented will survive. This my friends is the crux of, dare I say, the blogosphere and social media; everyone can have a voice.
In light of this I do not share Halley’s sense of nostalgia, but I do look forward to the same future and have just as much fun watching the present unfold.
To bring it back to the surface, I may need to take Halley’s advice and check out Decasia
Tags: Halley Hopkins, Next New Networks, Decasia, Analog, Digital, Ubiquitous Computing