Why I Came To PodCamp

Some of you who know me may say, "Adam, you do not have a podcast, why go to camp? (you have to love how I say some of you, I am hoping one of you is actually reading this).

Anyhow, I am starting A Media Circus Podcast so, I came to learn!

So far I need to thank Brent Hill from Feedburner for introducing me to Eric Olson (also from Feedburner, and while I am plugging Feedburner, allow me to thank Dick Costolo, CEO of Feedburner for giving me an early morning chuckle; i.e. "Make Time For Profits"). We had a great time last night at the kick off although, not enough love for Adam Curry (I am sort of joking with that comment) and, I would have loved to meet CC Chapman but, I am sure there will be time and, thanks to him I have this cool logo

Also, I need to plug this really cool guy that I had dinner with last night. He wrote a book called "Promoting Your Podcast" and while, I have not read the book, the cover is cool :) and, Jason seemed very knowledgeable so, I for one am going to pick up a copy

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