Reciprocal Love From FeedBurner/We have a Chasm To Cross Together

Most of you know I love FeedBurner. Brent Hill VP of Biz Dev has become a good friend of mine and in a recent article he talks about Disruptive Technologies and what it means for advertisers. He also talks about what it will take for advertisers and agencies to Cross the Chasm. I just want to highlight three points that he makes:

:As advertisers peer across the chasm at emerging media, these new media evangelists assist in several ways by:

• Defining the type of messaging that’s appropriate for the media
• Determining how the messaging will be delivered
• Aggregating the media to create scale sooner, rather than later"

There is also a quote from yours truly but, I will not paste that in here as, the article is great and you should check it out!

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