Great disjunct Tidbits from eTail!-Anne Holland, Marketing Sherpa

Anne Holland
Marketing Sherpa

So far this was the highlight of the conference for me!

Here are some disjunct stats, I will point you to the actual presentation when it is posted online:

25% growth last year in e-commerce
The fastest growing commerce sites are the ones who are measuring the most

Paid Search- The Marketers who are growing the most are spending the most money here
Email is number 2 in terms of what the successful marketers are spending on
3 is SEO
4 is Affiliate
5 Banners
6 Shopping Engines

Predicts that comparison shopping engines are on the rise due to the ability to bid at the sku level

She recommends running an eye tracking test
Horizontal vs vertical navigation- you have to have both!!!
How many tabs can you have? 20 or so max data point
If there an inviting image at the fold, you may get users to go below the fold- worth playing around with
A test was performed giving people 200 to go shopping online- People are not shopping as they do in stores, it is not an entertaining experience like what people do in a store
People are taking the 200 and getting what they want and getting it out. They are treating it like a search engine

People who use the search box on your site are more than twice as likely to convert
Search is not an IT thing anymore. It has become the central way that people shop, regardless of search engines. This is how people navigate sites

Market Testing

Shopping cart testing was the most lucrative testing
Search function testing was number two

Copy Testing was more effective than bells and whistles. It is all about the copy

60 % of people that are adding something to cart are bailing before they are getting to the checkout

how do you get these people back?
Dynamically generated emails calling them back to the abandoned cart

What is motivating consumers?

32% Shopping comparison sites- Perhaps people are using these are price comparison engines for that reason only and not buying there

How quick and relevant are consumers getting your first welcome message? This is the time that consumers are most welcome and eager to here from you