Sucharita Mulpuru Forrester Research
Peter Cobb, President and Co-Founder eBags
Kenneth Dotson CMO TicketsNow
“6% of consumers using RSS on a regular basis” Forrester
Peter Cobb- eBags and
“RSS where the consumer can decide what they want (information on)”
Cobb speaks about the user centric focus of RSS over email and how users do not want emails loaded with products that they may or may not be interested in. He brings up the concept of Brand Alerts, which is a bit different than the more common use of RSS.
He also spoke of tagging and AJAX technology on 6 Although he distilled what AJAX is to merely a super fast algorithm, in terms of what AJAX means to commerce, this is a main attribute.
“AJAX Brings things to the consumer”
Kenneth Dotson- TicketsNow
“Web 2.0 as Philosophy”
Kenneth talked about how he used consumer feedback in order to redesign the home page.
Consumer Personalization-m
Different Search Products
Search Memory
-Consumer control an extraordinary control over the types of information they want via email, many ways to slice information in the emails. As a result they have a very low opt out.
-Suite of tools to help attendants of events. Nearby restaurant reviews transportation etc.
-Use of Google Earth mash up in order to help drill down parking for an event
-The ability to remember and share events. Consumers can post pictures and reviews for other consumers to see.
Peter Cobb, President and Co-Founder eBags
Kenneth Dotson CMO TicketsNow
“6% of consumers using RSS on a regular basis” Forrester
Peter Cobb- eBags and
“RSS where the consumer can decide what they want (information on)”
Cobb speaks about the user centric focus of RSS over email and how users do not want emails loaded with products that they may or may not be interested in. He brings up the concept of Brand Alerts, which is a bit different than the more common use of RSS.
He also spoke of tagging and AJAX technology on 6 Although he distilled what AJAX is to merely a super fast algorithm, in terms of what AJAX means to commerce, this is a main attribute.
“AJAX Brings things to the consumer”
Kenneth Dotson- TicketsNow
“Web 2.0 as Philosophy”
Kenneth talked about how he used consumer feedback in order to redesign the home page.
Consumer Personalization-m
Different Search Products
Search Memory
-Consumer control an extraordinary control over the types of information they want via email, many ways to slice information in the emails. As a result they have a very low opt out.
-Suite of tools to help attendants of events. Nearby restaurant reviews transportation etc.
-Use of Google Earth mash up in order to help drill down parking for an event
-The ability to remember and share events. Consumers can post pictures and reviews for other consumers to see.