I was listening to episode #38 of Across the Sound (one of my favorite podcasts, Jaffe, you’re the man!) this morning on the way to work and one of the topics was digital identity.
Now, this is a topic better suited to be debated by some of my great old professors at the New School however, the way that my day unfolded prompted me to want to continue the conversation.
In this new digital world we are asked to create profiles for ourselves in many different places (Flikr, MySpace, LinkedIn etc). I for one will be the same person in all of the places and quite frankly, the over saturation of the social networking space is getting annoying. I simply do not have time or the want to re-create myself (with the exception of Second Life in which I am Mockben Hegel, but that is a different story for a different post).
The bottom line is, I want one digital identity that can apply to all social networks. Enter people aggregator (information courtesy of Michael Arrington’s Tech Crunch post yesterday). Boy have I been waiting for this one (or at least what it aims to be!).
I am one person in the flesh, let me be so in binary code, should I choose to be!