Micheal Copps of the FCC spoke this morning. In referring to the way in which Washington was handling the broadband era he said,
“All is not well in Washington… The US is 15th in the world in terms of Broadband penetration… We totally lack a national strategy….” (this quote is a mash-up but these statements are not taken out of context)
15th in terms of broadband penetration? How is that possible? How can the leaders of the free world be so far behind in communications infrastructure?
Perhaps the Digital Revolution is being led by media companies that do not have the common person’s best interests in mind. Perhaps the internet is headed down the same road of media consolidation that we have seen in the past with other forms of media.
What will this mean in terms of how we use the internet? Censorship aside, if the duopoly (the cable companies and the telco’s) that is currently in place gains more strength what are the possible outcomes? Well, the phone companies are certainly not happy with free VOIP so, they made decide to prohibit the use of that service.
What if the massive web portals were able to use economic strength to gain traffic preference (i.e. more bandwidth).
I am writing this as he is speaking so, I have not had the ability to think about this but you can be sure I will give it more thought.
Copps made a call for all of us to take action,
“Decisions without you are most often decision against you”
“All is not well in Washington… The US is 15th in the world in terms of Broadband penetration… We totally lack a national strategy….” (this quote is a mash-up but these statements are not taken out of context)
15th in terms of broadband penetration? How is that possible? How can the leaders of the free world be so far behind in communications infrastructure?
Perhaps the Digital Revolution is being led by media companies that do not have the common person’s best interests in mind. Perhaps the internet is headed down the same road of media consolidation that we have seen in the past with other forms of media.
What will this mean in terms of how we use the internet? Censorship aside, if the duopoly (the cable companies and the telco’s) that is currently in place gains more strength what are the possible outcomes? Well, the phone companies are certainly not happy with free VOIP so, they made decide to prohibit the use of that service.
What if the massive web portals were able to use economic strength to gain traffic preference (i.e. more bandwidth).
I am writing this as he is speaking so, I have not had the ability to think about this but you can be sure I will give it more thought.
Copps made a call for all of us to take action,
“Decisions without you are most often decision against you”