So, this is the first blog post that I have made in about a year. You will have to forgive my boring page and lack of experience but, in order to practice what I preach, I need to be blogging.
I am sitting in the lobby of the Broadmoor hotel in Colorado Springs. I had a meeting with one of my client’s today and I am gearing up to head to San Fransico for the uber-geeky Supernova conference “Making Connections in a Complex World “(so excited)!!!
I will try to post as much as possible over the next three days in order to engage/inform all the folks in my immediate circle (as well some potential new people) who could not make it out for the conference.
What am I most excited about you ask:
I am excited to hear from David Sifry of Technorati
As well as Philip Rosedale of Linden Labs (Second Life is blowing my mind)
There will also be folks from Brightcove, MySpace, Om Malik, Craig Newmark and a host of people from cool new Start Ups.
I welcome comments and email about information that you would like me to seek out. So, for all of my co-workers and friends (and friends to be), keep the comments coming!
I am sitting in the lobby of the Broadmoor hotel in Colorado Springs. I had a meeting with one of my client’s today and I am gearing up to head to San Fransico for the uber-geeky Supernova conference “Making Connections in a Complex World “(so excited)!!!
I will try to post as much as possible over the next three days in order to engage/inform all the folks in my immediate circle (as well some potential new people) who could not make it out for the conference.
What am I most excited about you ask:
I am excited to hear from David Sifry of Technorati
As well as Philip Rosedale of Linden Labs (Second Life is blowing my mind)
There will also be folks from Brightcove, MySpace, Om Malik, Craig Newmark and a host of people from cool new Start Ups.
I welcome comments and email about information that you would like me to seek out. So, for all of my co-workers and friends (and friends to be), keep the comments coming!