I did not want to comment on Rob's post in the last post but, he sure dropped some knowledge on us, huh!
I want to quickly bullet a few things that I loved (before I begin New Years debauchery)
The New Browser Reality
- I LOVE THIS! This sound like something John Battelle might say but I do not think he has :)
- I am so stimulated by the notion that our mediated futures will be browser based and begin at a search prompt (which they sort of do already)
"... links-based search technology can be advanced if we can find a way to harness the democratized collective feedback of everyone who uses it"
- yup
- Searcher should not need to tag, their actions should be what is doing the "tagging". This is so true as, how do you get the non-techies to use del.icio.us. As much as I love del.icio.us, I know that my mother will never use it and you best not tell me my mother does not count!
Tags: Collarity, Rob Rustad, Search, Social Search, New Browser Reality, John Battelle