The next evolution of search has already begun to change the way consumers connect with content on the Web. This panel will highlight ways that even late-adopting advertisers can start to take advantage of these new developments and how they have started to bridge the gap with traditional digital marketing. In today’s search environment, content is ranked and indexed according to computer algorithmic-based perception. In the very near future, consumers will lend a hand to algorithms and move into the driver’s seat. You’ll learn about media search, RSS, vertical search, visual search, Web 2.0 search and the new ad models that support them. Can smaller players out-innovate the behemoths? Hear the opinions of some of search’s most forward thinkers.
Rebecca Lieb, Executive Editor, ClickZ
Emil Ismalon, Co-Founder and CTO, Collarity
Peter Hirshberg, Chairman and Chief Marketing Officer, Technorati
Kevin Ryan, CEO, Kinetic Results, LLC
Kevin Ryan
What's wrong with the search box
- moving beyond rank addiction
- The community concept
- The old way was not about relevance- meta tags ruled etc.
- Page Rank- Moving Beyond Page Rank
The community concept
- Search comes first, ads come late
- combining social and algorithmic search
Social Search
- Eurekster- Buzz Cloud Technology
- Yahoo Mindset
- Rollyo
- The next evolution in brand recognition management
Emil Ismalon
- Social Search- The beginning of a new science?
- Keyword Density
- Links Topology
- People Power
- From what is popular to what is relevant
- From Query To Dialogue
- From one size fits all to what is best for me
Current Limitations of Social Search
- We need users to tag info, how do we get them to do this?
- Small % of participants
- Database Of Intentions- Jon Battelle
- we must be able to learn from spontaneous behavior to get more participation
- Understanding the single person through his/her network of affiliations
- All about movement from end user to information provider
Peter Hirshberg
Social Search and the rise of the audience
- The web is not about pages, it is about people
- More than two thirds of people trust peers
- Tracking 50 MM blogs
What makes the blogosphere grow?
- Conversation
- The blogosphere as lots of different communities
- Audience as distribution model and work force for publications
- Technorati Conversational Advertising
Tags: Technorati, Consumer Conversation, Peter Hirshberg, Jon Battelle, Blogosphere, Social Search, Collarity, Kinetic Results, Kevin Ryan, Emil Ismalon, Yahoo, Eurekster