It was recommended to me by Aimee of Relevant Noise that I check out Kinetic results and Collarity. Being the backwards dude that I am started with Collarity.
I did not spend a lot of time with it and will certainly spend more time in the future. It seems like a very interesting product although, I am not quite sure I am happy with the search results but, as is the case with social media it takes time for the engine to learn.
There is a great flash video to demonstrate the powers of collarity and they use the example two people searching for the term Java. It was quite obvious where this video was headed however this example does a great job of illuminating what it is the product is all about (a concept not new to the digerati and while it is not fully unique, if collarity has built a better mousetrap, they still have a shot at gaining some market share, or more likely selling out to Google :) )
The demo brings up a concept called Core Links, this is a new concept for me!
I am going to spend some time on collarity and report back
Tags: Social Search, Collarity, Relevance Engine, Relevant Noise, Kinetic Results