I am a little late with a statement on the Edelman debacle but, PR is not my specialty (although my interest in social media has certainly led me to pay much closer attention to Public Relations and, perhaps in my next life I will find a career in it) and I am a bit reluctant to to form an opinion from a professional standpoint however, from a human standpoint I want to know; who thought this was a good idea?
It doesn't take a PR professional to know that this was a gross misuse of a medium that is supposed to be a candid conversation. Did anyone think that this would be sustainable?
Allow me to point you to those who are more equipped to give a professional opinion on the matter:
I would love to hear some opinions on the matter. I would actually love to hear from someone who thought this was a good idea!
Tags: PR, Edelman, Shel Holtz, Marriane Richmond, Ad Age, BusinessWeek