Second Life Hits One Million Residents/The Ringleader Helps His Friend Get Dressed And Listens to His First Secondcast

One Million may not seem a lot to AOL who has hordes of folks on their sites looking with side blinders at their content.

One Million engaged uses, THAT is a big deal!

Yesterday I helped my old buddy find some clothes in Second Life. I have been telling all of my friends about SL for over seven months now and he is the first to jump on it immediately, Blake, love ya man, you got vision!

On my way to work I listened to my first Episode of the SecondCast. Talk about a stoned sounding, wise cracking, absolutely hilariously bunch (who seem to know SL pretty well too :) ) They interviewed THE Aimee Weber [today] which in my book is always a plus (yes, I realize this cast was recorded weeks ago but for me, in my world it was today dammit!)

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